I can and I will, watch me.

I can and I will, watch me. ✨

Admittedly missed posting on international women’s day but I definitely wanna put my two cents in - I know some amazing, powerful, creative, empathetic, beautiful women in my life that I have the privilege to be friends with and also work with too. Genuinely wanna thank the females that have done good in my life, you’ve taught me how to become my own woman too!! Especially my mum considering she’s legit the best and I vent everythinggggg to her so love you Mum 💖💖 (she’ll probs never see this 😂) We all strive and lift each other up and vent to each other about how the world can be cruel and how still in some eyes, we’re considered the ‘lesser’ of the genders. I just want to remind ya’ll that if you hold the stance of the dad from Matilda “I’m smart, you’re dumb, I’m big, you’re small, I’m right, you’re wrong” then kindly take yourselves away from my Instagram cause I consider this a place for celebrating art & creating art - no hate here thanks 💫💕✨💖
Model: @manjimeow 
MUA: @hollyhemus.mua 💖
📸 @lucyrosetindall 

Photo 11-03-2020, 16 08 48.png
Lucy Rose Tindall

27 years old

Photographer / Retouching Artist

Bristol & London, United Kingdom


Re-worked 35mm shots 💜


🎂✨ birthday post ✨🎂