Leaves in water

Taken around two hours ago and can confirm this is the kind of still-life I absolutely loveeee alongside the paints πŸ’« These are leaves pushed into a jar, filled with water and sprinkled some paint in there too! The reds that you see are either paint or the leaf bringing that colour through as they had tints of red on them, you can only mainly see one leaf and that was by pure chance; around it you can see more leaves but hidden in the depth of the water/paint creating that deeper sense of depth. Actually love it, feels like a messy painting to me anyway πŸ˜‚ Guess it’s the carefreeness of taking the shots! mainly messed with white balance to achieve this so it’s not too complicated but definitely gunna do something more with this kinda photography πŸ’§

Lucy Rose Tindall

27 years old

Photographer / Retouching Artist

Bristol & London, United Kingdom


Holy Chain Gang

